NMBio Members




Active Roster



Why Join NM Bio

The New Mexico Biotechnology and Biomedical Association (NMBio) is a catalyst for

the growth of the state’s bioscience industry. Our bioscience corridor extends from Las Cruces to Albuquerque to Los Alamos and Taos. We connect innovators to funding, infrastructure, research and talent.

From promising young companies to established corporations and educational and research institutions, we provide opportunities for networking, education and professional development. We represent more than 120 member firms and community partners, including biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical device, diagnostic, agri-bio and digital health companies, as well as the national labs.    Read more here    (link to the pdf)

Member Benefits at a Glance

Discount Savings

  • Major Discounts through Bio Business Solutions Program
  • Free Access to 3 In-Person Lunch & Learn Events
  • Discount to Attend Knowledge Fair
  • 20% Off Member Fees for Referring a New Member
  • Discounted Access to Regional Bioscience Events


  • Introduction to Potential Funding Resources
  • Network at NM Pavilion at BIO International Convention
  • Listing in and access to NM Bio Member Directory  (link)

Recognition & Opportunities

  • Annual Member Appreciation Luncheon
  • Member Highlight in Newsletter and/or on Website
  • Opportunity for 5-Minute Pitch at Lunch & Learn Events
  • Right to Vote for Board Members at Annual Meeting
  • Opportunity to Participate in a Standing Committee
  • Eligibility for Board Membership and Officer Position

Membership Levels

Membership fees are based upon the number of employees in your organization.

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    FY 2024